Vision of the Literary Committee
The committee’s vision is to cultivate a passion for language, nurture literary creativity, and offer a platform for self-expression beyond the confines of the school curriculum. By promoting thoughtful reading, writing, and discussion, the committee expands intellectual horizons. It has consistently organized events such as elocution competitions and extempore speaking to instill and uphold intellectual and creative traditions among students.
Objectives of the Committee:
- The committee’s primary objective is to develop and refine the literary skills of students.
- It aims to inspire students to appreciate and cultivate a taste for literature, enhancing their spoken and written language abilities.
- The committee is involved in organizing a range of activities designed to boost confidence and groom student talents for various interpersonal engagements and competitions.
- Foster a deep appreciation for literature among students, encouraging them to engage actively with literary works.
- Provide a platform for students to enhance their spoken and written language skills through participation in literary activities and competitions.
Activities of the Literary Committee
Debate, Essay Writing, Extempore, Speech Article, Writing Poem, Recitation, Quiz.

Kakori Train Action: An Important Incident of the freedom struggle
Speech Competition
Organised by
Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh
The Role of Revolutionary Freedom Fighters in the light of Kakori Train Action
Essay Writing Competition
Organised by
Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh
Empowering Youth: Challenges and opportunities
A brief Report of the Speech competition on
“Empowering youth opportunities and challenges”
On August 8th, 2024, the Literary Committee of lIMT Aligarh hosted a speech entitled competition “Empowering youth opportunities and challenges” in college. The purpose of the
competition was to develop a comprehensive outlook of the nation.
15 students actively participated in the speech competition. The participants represertec students from various courses like M.B.A, B.B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, M.Sc, M.Ed, B.Com, and B.C.A.
The secretary of the IIMT Aligarh, Eng. Pankaj Mahalwar inaugurated the program. He enlightened the participants of that competition. The judge of the competition was Dr. Rajesh Paliwal. Club member Dr. Geeta Sharma presented the vote of thanks. Al members conducted the program. Medals and certificates were awarded to the participants.
निबन्ध:- ``भारत का विकास और हिंदी``
On September 14th, 2024, the Literary Committee of IIMT Aligarh hosted a Essay writing competition entitled “BHARAT KA VIKAS AUR HINDI” in college. The purpose of the competition was to develop a comprehensive outlook of the nation.
24 students from 4 colleges actively participated in the speech competition. The participants represented students from various courses like B.BA, B.Ed, B.Sc, M.Ed, B.Com, B.CA, M.E, D.Pharma, D.El.Ed, B.A, Computer Science and Mechanical
The secretary of the IIMT Aligarh, Eng Pankaj Mahalwar Inaugurated the program. He enlightened the participants of that competition. The judge of the competition was Dr. Ajita Singh. Club member, Dr. Suman Lata Gautam presented the vote of thanks. All members conducted the program. Medals and certificates were awarded to the participants
Name | Position | Class | College |
Shagun Goswami | First | B.Ed | IIMT |
Sneha Chaudhary | Second | B.A. | Mother Teresa |
Pushpendra Singh | Second | B.B.A | IIMT |
Kanak | Third | D.Pharma | MIP |
Nisha Yadav | Third | D.EI.Ed | IIMT |