IIMT - Best Placement College in Aligarh

Why is IIMT the Best Placement College in Aligarh?

Best Placement College in Aligarh?

The Institute of Information, Management, and Technology (IIMT) is a standout example of a great school. It is located in Aligarh, a well-known city. IIMT is happy to be known as the college with the best placement in Aligarh. This is because it is known for its dedication to student success.

Explore why IIMT Aligarh

We don’t just teach at IIMT; we also build the future. Our extensive programs are carefully created to give students the abilities, information, and way of thinking they need to do well in their chosen fields. We do everything we can to prepare our students for success, from using cutting-edge facilities to making sure our lessons are useful in the real world.

Our Dedicated Faculty are our Guiding Lights

Every placement that goes well is made possible by a group of determined mentors. At IIMT, our esteemed faculty is made up of seasoned professionals, academics, and industry veterans who are dedicated to developing the next wave of talent. Students are given the tools they need to reach their full potential and get the job they want, thanks to their teachers.

Our Strong Programs to Help You Get a Job

But it’s not just about school; it’s also about being able to get a job. Our strong programs for helping students find jobs make sure that every student has the tools and information they need to start their careers. We do everything we can to help our students get good jobs at top companies, from resume workshops and mock interviews to industry contacts and job fairs.

Enroll at IIMT Aligarh

If you can go for special, don’t settle for ordinary. Come with us to IIMT Aligarh and start a journey that will change your life and help you succeed. See for yourself why we are the best choice for people who want to become workers in Aligarh and beyond. This is the start of your path to success.

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16 फरवरी को आईआईएमटी अलीगढ़ में फ्रेशर्स एंड फेयरवेल पार्टी का आयोजन किया गया।

आईआईएमटी कॉलेज में 16 फरवरी को प्रबंधन विभाग ने नवरंग 2023 फ्रेशर एंड फेयरवेल पार्टी का आयोजन किया गया कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ सरस्वती की प्रतिमा पर दीप जलाकर किया गया जिस के मुख्य अतिथि आईआईएमटी के सचिव पंकज महलवार प्राचार्य शंभू के एन सिंह रावत शांतिनिकेतन के डॉ ओमवीर सिंह प्रबंधन विभाग की डॉक्टर इंदू सिंह, जितेंद्र महलवार आदि शामिल रहे जिसमें थीम नवरंग के अनुसार विद्यार्थियों ने विभिन्न विभिन्न राज्यों की सांस्कृतिक वेशभूषा एवं नृत्य का प्रदर्शन किया जिसमें छात्र एवं छात्राओं को मिस्टर एवं मिस फ्रेशर तथा फेयरवेल भी चुना गया बीकॉम में मिस्टर फ्रेशर गौरव एवं मिस फ्रेशर रेनू बीबीए में मिस्टर फ्रेशर अरीब एवं इस फ्रेशर बुलबुल एमबीए में मिस्टर फ्रेशर आकाश मिस फ्रेशर मधु बीकॉम मे मिस्टर फेयरवेल शिवम एवं मिस फेयरवेल मोनिका बीबीए में हृदय राज मिस्टर फेयरवेल आध्या एमबीए में मिस्टर फेयरवेल शिवम प्रताप सिंह एवं मिस फेयरवेल दीपशिखा इसी श्रंखला में विभाग के उत्कृष्ट छात्र छात्राओं को ट्रॉफी से सम्मानित किया गया थीम को साथ लेकर प्रियंका ने हरियाणवी डांस की प्रस्तुति दी प्रगति ने यूपी डांस प्रतिभा ने पंजाबी डांस पर प्रशंसा लूटी जितेंद्र महलवार सचिव पंकज महलवार ने छात्रों को प्रोत्साहित करते हुए आगे बढ़ने की शिक्षा भी तथा उनका उत्साहवर्धन किया शांतिनिकेतन वर्ल्ड स्कूल की डायरेक्टर शालिनी महल बार विद्यार्थियों को जीवन में तरक्की करने के पंख देकर स्वर्णिम भविष्य पर बल देने की बात की प्रचार शंभू के सिंह रावत ने छात्रों को नए जीवन में सदैव नई सोच के साथ आगे बढ़ने की और तरक्की के रास्ते पर चलने की हौसला अफजाई की इस मौके पर विभागाध्यक्ष डॉक्टर इंदू सिंह, अमर चंद्रा, साकेत कुलश्रेष्ठ, अभिलाष सिंह, डॉ यूसुफ ,डॉक्टर मोहम्मद जान ,प्रशांत कुलश्रेष्ठ आदि शामिल रहे मंच संचालन सुमित चौधरी तथा कशिश चौहान ने संभाला अजमेर सभी आगंतुकों का असीम अग्रवाल ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया

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आईआईएमटी कॉलेज द्वारा आयोजित एथलेटिक्स का आयोजन।

आईआईएमटी कॉलेज द्वारा आयोजित एथलेटिक्स का आयोजन अहिल्याबाई होलकर स्टेडियम में समापन समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि अलीगढ़ के डीएम इंद्र विक्रम सिंह ने सरस्वती की प्रतिमा पर माला पहनाकर शुभारंभ किया। तथा बोरा दौड़ के अभ्यर्थियों का परिचय प्राप्त किया। उन्होंने अपने उद्बोधन में कहा आईआईएमटी का विगत वर्षों से एक अच्छा प्रयास है जो पढ़ने लिखने के साथ खेलों में भी बच्चों को खेलों में हिस्सा लेने को बढ़ावा दे रहा है। खेलों में भाग लेने से शरीर का विकास होता है और शरीर में तेज दिमाग विकसित होता है। उन्होंने लोगों से कहा आप सिर्फ एक उम्र तक ही खेलों को जीवन का हिस्सा न बनाएं अपितु आगे भी ऐसे ही खेलते रहे जिससे आपका स्वास्थ्य सही रहेगा। आशा करता हूं कि आपमें से आगे चलकर कुछ लोग खेलों में देश का नाम भी रोशन करेंगे।

इस अवसर पर अतिथियों के स्वागत में शांतिनिकेतन वर्ल्ड स्कूल, आईआईएमटी कॉलेज की तथा मदर टेरेसा कॉलेज की छात्राओं ने सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत करके अतिथियों का मन मोह लिया। इस अवसर पर विशिष्ट अतिथियों में जिला क्रीड़ा अधिकारी राममिलन, पूर्व आयोग सदस्य डॉ हमवीर सिंह, शिक्षाविद डॉ रक्षपाल सिंह, डॉ गजेंद्र सिंह ने शिरकत की और अपने संबोधन से प्रतिभागियों का उत्साहवर्धन किया। आईआईएमटी के प्राचार्य शंभू के एन सिंह रावत ने सभी अतिथियों का स्मृति चिन्ह देकर स्वागत किया । डॉ इंदू सिंह ने सभी अतिथियों और खिलाड़ियों का आभार व्यक्त किया।

प्रतिस्पर्धा 100 मीटर 200 मीटर 400 मीटर तथा 15 मीटर की रेस का विधिवत समापन हुआ जिसका रिजल्ट निम्न प्रकार रहा…
इस कार्यक्रम के समन्वयक कुलदीप गौड़ का आयोजन को सफल बनाने में बड़ा योगदान रहा। प्रखर गोयल ने कार्यक्रम का संचालन किया। शमशाद निसार, मनोज चौधरी, तड़का एफएम से योगेन्द्र शर्मा, आर०जे दीपक, जितेंद्र कुमार, अमर चंद्रा, साकेत, अभिलाष, उमेश, सुदीप आदि शामिल रहे। 100 मीटर दौड़ सीनियर बालक वर्ग प्रथम मोहन कुमार जूनियर बालक वर्ग प्रथम सौरभ कुमार 100 मीटर सीनियर बालिका वर्ग प्रथम शिवानी चौधरी बालिका वधू जूनियर तनु ठाकुर 200 मीटर जूनियर बालिका वर्ग प्रथम तनु ठाकुर सीरियल बालिका वर्ग प्रथम वंदना सिंह 200 मीटर बालक वर्ग प्रथम मोहन कुमार जूनियर बालक वर्ग प्रथम संजय कुमार 400 मीटर बालक वर्ग सीनियर प्रथम वीरेश माथुर जूनियर वर्ग बालक वर्ग प्रथम रूपेंद्र बालिका वर्ग सीनियर 400 मीटर प्रथम रागिनी वर्मा जूनियर 400 मीटर बालिका वर्ग प्रथम शिवानी 1500 मीटर जूनियर बालिका वर्ग प्रथम अंजलि सीनियर वर्ग प्रथम स्थान ममता 1500 मीटर प्रथम स्थान बालक वर्ग जूनियर प्रथम स्थान विकास कुमार सीनियर बालक वर्ग प्रथम स्थान सूर्यकुमार हाई जंप बालिका वर्ग जूनियर प्रथम तनु कुमारी हाई जंप सीनियर प्रथम तमन्ना हाई जंप बालक वर्ग सीनियर प्रथम पिंटू चौधरी हाई जंप जूनियर बालक वर्ग अमित लॉन्ग जंप जूनियर प्रथम उमा लॉन्ग जंप सीनियर वंदना सिंह लॉन्ग जंप बालक वर्ग जूनियर प्रथम हुकेश बाल अकबर सीनियर प्रथम ललित कुमार शॉट पुट जूनियर वर्ग प्रथम लाखन सिंह शॉट पुट सीनियर प्रथम सुमित चौधरी थ्रो फेक बालिका जूनियर वर्ग प्रथम काजल सीनियर बालक वर्ग प्रथम नरेश कुमार सिंह

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The Future Scope of BBA Degree In India

The Future Scope of BBA Degree In India:

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is among India’s most popular choices for undergraduate degrees. There are several job Potentialities after BBA in India, and a BBA scholar has brilliant possibilities for future growth. There are many reasons a scholar should consider a BBA as a profession in management. BBA is a dynamic undergraduate course kept updated and in line with enterprise requirements. BBA graduates are adept in competencies with exceptional management practices, finance, accounts, economics, advertising, marketing, etc., incredibly valuable for companies and industries. Because of this, BBA is one of the best management courses after the 12th.

This article undergoes the scope of a BBA degree in India, together with the professional possibilities and trends.

Future Scope of BBA Degree in India:

BBA college students are taught the basics in addition to advanced standards of management. The course does now no longer stay confined to theoretical concepts, and it additionally offers practical expertise via internships and industry exposure. Not only that, but BBA additionally allows a scholar to develop communication competencies and helps the general personality improvement of a scholar. The future scope of the BBA degree in India is listed below.

Future Scope For BBA Graduates:

There are a plethora of work prospects. BBA graduates, in particular, can work as management trainees in firms’ sales and marketing departments. A BBA degree combined with several years of work experience will lead to a senior position in any company. The candidate can get up to 0-15 LPA, depending on their skill set in this occupation. However, it is contingent on the market value of the company as well as your ability and talent.

Trends In The Industry:

Currently, the Indian marketplace is expanding exponentially. New start-ups have also arrived on the scene as current businesses are increasing. All these businesses require applicants with good enterprise and operations knowledge. Candidates with BBA degrees can effortlessly form a part of the core enterprise/operations/strategy team or can act as the point of contact between the body of workers and senior-level management.

Career Opportunities:

BBA graduates can choose from a variety of job choices. BBA graduates may look for management trainee positions in the sales and advertising division of firms. A BBA degree combined with a few years of work experience will catapult you into a leadership position in any company. The preliminary earnings in this career start from up to 0-15 LPA, depending on the skill set. However, it is contingent on the market value of the company as well as your ability and talent. A person with a BBA degree hardly has any problem regarding the industries available. From Finance, Sales sector to Advertising, Information Technology (IT), Banking, and Digital Marketing, numerous job possibilities after BBA are known to utilize via various BBA Specializations. Every aspiring management expert must remember that management and administrative capabilities are fundamental for growth.


You must have a relatively good knowledge of this degree’s scope. The degree is quite beneficial regarding job opportunities available or future content. It is a BBA course that is helpful in this dynamic world, and IIMT ALIGARH is the best institute to study this program and be an expert in your field. IIMT ALIGARH has state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly experienced and qualified faculty to take guidance with. IIMT ALIGARH group of institutions is the best degree college in Aligarh, India, and has well-equipped classrooms, ensuring students learn in a technologically advanced environment. Workshops and seminars are regularly held with top professionals from the industry invited as speakers, enabling the shttps://iimtaligarh.com/tudents to understand better and have practical knowledge of their respective fields. With a fantastic placement record, the students gain from the college. IIMT ALIGARH

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The Importance of Time Management for Students

Why is Time Management Important to Academic Success?

For starters, it allows students to complete more in less time because their attention is focused, and they’re not wasting time on distractions (such as social media, Netflix, etc.) Furthermore, by using time efficiently, students can complete their work on time, stay engaged with their learning, and have more time free to pursue activities that are important to them, such as sports, hobbies, youth groups, and spending time with friends and family.

Time Management Tips and Tricks

So, how do you manage time as a student? How do you balance studies with co-curricular activities? Here are some things you can do to maximize every second of your day:
Identify: The best place to start working on your time management skills is to identify all the things you must do at the beginning of the week. Once you have noted all tasks, whether big or small, it is time to prioritize using the Eisenhower Matrix, as given in the figure below.

Allocate: Here’s a tenant of time management that every student needs to know: If it is not on your calendar, it doesn’t exist. You need to have a weekly master schedule. Block off chunks of time from your master schedule for study or assignment work. This will help your students prioritize their projects and stay on target with due dates. You could start by estimating how long each project will take, then calculate how much time to allow daily or weekly. Try to schedule some study every weekday, even if it’s only brief.

The rule for Students: IIMT Aligarh will be a game-changer in your creativity. Pareto was an Italian economist in the early 1900s. He declared that in many aspects of life, 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In your case, what this means is that 80% of your academic success comes from 20% of the work you put in.
Furthermore, 20% or less of your course content comprises the majority of the content on your exams. Remember, (teachers and lecturers) are applying the 80-20 rule to their exams. Due to time constraints, they need to test your knowledge of their subject on only a few pieces of paper. They will do their best by testing the most important ideas of the course, which tends to be about 20% of the material they teach.

So, how can you apply the rule to time management? Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Pay attention to how long a teacher spends on a particular topic. If they talk about it in-depth and for a fair amount of time in class, it is probably something you are going to want to remember for the exam.
  2. Do not take it lightly when a professor says this is the type of question you’ll see on the exam. They understand the syllabus and do their best to help you. So, take their word for it.

Are you looking for a national standard educational institute with not just accreditations and affiliations to their name but also excellent infrastructure with personalized, integrated coaching and mock tests to gauge your child’s progress? IIMT Aligarh college offers this and so much more! Regarded as the best college in Aligarh, this institute will groom your child in the best way possible for their future. Drop by our campus at Panchsheel Colony, Ramghat Road, Aligarh, or contact us at +91-99174 64291 / +91-81930 01555 / +91-93897 67339 today.

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Best Bachelor’s courses offered by IIMT Aligarh

Best Bachelor’s courses offered by IIMT Aligarh; The Institute of Information, Management, and Technology (IIMT) is a premier institution based in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Established in 2000 by Manas Sewa Samiti. The Institute has achieved a status of distinction by following the path envisioned by its founder Dr. D.S. Mahalwar, a renowned educationist.
The Institute offers UG & PG programs in various streams like Education, Management, Commerce, Computer Science, Basic Science & Life Science. It caters to more than 2500 students with well-qualified and experienced faculty members.

Below is the list of Bachelor’s courses offered by IIMT Aligarh:

1. B.Sc. (Computer Science)

The Undergraduate Program in Computer Science, established in 2000, is designed to develop student’s analytical, computational thinking, and problem-solving skills to address the sophisticated demands of the IT industry. The program is structured with a rigorous foundation of the concepts of Computer Science and its applications that equip students to build and maintain reliable software and adapt to ever-changing technological advancements.

Eligibility Criteria:-
Standard XII students from any stream with Mathematics can apply for the program.

2. B.Sc. (PCM)

IIMT Aligarh offers the best UG programs in sciences. B.Sc. (PCM) is a three-year undergraduate program that familiarizes students with upcoming technological changes and provides first-hand knowledge. The course covers Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as the core subjects of study. The college aims to deliver an in-depth understanding of all three subjects’ analytical, observational and empirical aspects. The school has well-maintained laboratories with modern infrastructure. The faculties are exceptional and have sound knowledge of the subjects. The conducive academic environment with modern teaching pedagogies, e-lecture series, and regular seminars promote the student’s research and development culture.

The candidate should have passed class 12th with PCM subjects with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate.

3 Years (6 Semesters)

3. Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) is a 3-year full-time degree course specially designed to provide students with managerial skills in commerce-associated disciplines such as accounting, finance, marketing & promotions. The degree is basically structured to offer aptitude in organizational behavior and business principles by focusing on core subjects such as law, finance, statistics, marketing, accounting, economics, and cooperation, as well as marketing education.

3 Year

4. Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)

Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is one of the popular courses among students who want to make their career in the IT (Information Technology) field. The duration of the course is 3 years and is divided into 6 semesters. It comprises the subjects like databases, networking, data structure, and core programming languages like ‘C’ and ‘java’. This course provides a lot of opportunities to students who are interested in the computer field and wants to work in the IT sector as a programmer or software developer. 

Before planning for any examination, it is very important to check out some basic but important points. One of the most important points before applying for any course is eligibility. It needs to be checked whether the candidate is eligible to appear for the desired course or not. The students who are interested in BCA as their higher studies must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • The candidate Should be a citizen of India.
  • Candidate must have passed class 12th or senior secondary examination with at least 50% marks, including English.
  • The 12th examination must be passed/Appear with mathematics as a compulsory subject.

5. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

IIMT Aligarh intends to develop a solid foundational understanding of management and business. It also equips them with the essential intellectual and vocational expertise that facilitates students to thrive in any business environment. Students know key managerial concepts, including those in financial management, economics, sales & marketing, accountancy principles, etc. Therefore, based on their interests, they can determine which domain they can choose for a career or which domain to choose for higher studies.

3 years

Eligibility Criteria:-
Students should have completed 10+2 from any stream with a minimum of 50% Marks.

6. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

B.Ed is a professional course offered for those who are interested in teaching-related fields. The duration of the program is 2 years, divided into 4 semesters. Each semester contains different papers related to the education field. The course is running successfully in IIMT and still continues to develop skills and widen understanding to impart quality education to our society. B.Ed course is affiliated with Dr. B.R.A. University. All instructional and infrastructural facilities are as per norms, and the faculty is dedicated to imparting quality teacher education.

2 Years
Eligibility Criteria:-
Education- Candidates must pass the class 12th examination in any stream, such as art, science, commerce, etc.
Minimum Marks Required:- This criterion varies from college to college. However, one must ensure to secure more than 55% in class 12th based on past year trends; renowned colleges keep this as the minimum percentage guidelines.
Age Limit- There is no upper age limit. However, candidates must be minimum of 19 years old.

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